Decoration Day
June 4, 2023 1:30 p.m.
Union Cemetery
Elgin Street, Cobourg
Every year, on the first Sunday in June, the RCL Branch 133 holds a Decoration Day
Service at 1:30 p.m. This year the service is at Union Cemetery. All are invited including
the general public.
On June 3, 2023 this year, volunteers from the Ladies Auxiliary will place carnations on
the graves of those members of the Auxiliary at all three Cobourg Cemeteries. We need
Volunteers from the Legion to place flags on all the graves of the Veterans. St. Michael’s
Cemetery, St. Peter’s Cemetery and Union Cemetery are the last resting places for veterans from
all of our wars and peacekeeping missions.
If you can volunteer, please contact Leona Woods The volunteers report to the cemetery entrance at 9:00, pick up the flags and the section that they are to cover. This task takes 1 to 1 ½
hours. Our veterans fought for our freedom. This is our way of honouring and thanking them.
Lest we forget.